Thursday, October 23, 2014

Paraphrase is PAR-A-PHRASE !

Hye we meet again on my new post here today :)
So, what would I talk about for this week ?
Paraphrase, paraphrase, paraphrase.
Do you have ever heard about PARAPHRASING throughout your life ?
For me, surely it was the first time I heard about paraphrasing.
What is paraphrasing ?
Nahh today I would tell you about this.
So, what is actually paraphrase stands for?
Paraphrase actually came from the words par-a-phrase which :
par ---> equal. So paraphrase means equal a phrase.
So meaning here in order to avoid plagiarism, we need to transform the original phrase to another phrase but have the same meaning with the original ones. Make it as our own words :) 

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Variation Of Sourcing Material

Last Wednesday was my second class with Dr.Krish. At the beginning of the class Dr.Krish asked us to read Chapter 2 : Sourcing Material in her own written book (its so cool my lecturer has her own book :)). She taught us about the evaluation of source material. Sourcing material could be interpret from various instruments which are :

  • The Internet
  • e-Journals
  • Search engines
  • Group discussion forums
  • Online database journals
For the Online Database Journals, Dr.Krish showed us how to find the journals through UiTM had spend a lot of money for us as their students to obtain the online database journals for our studies. We should appreciate that one :) Dr.Krish had taught us how to confirm the journals are informative and useful for us to carry out our research. So, the confirmation of useful journals start with 
  1. Checking the URL --- .gov , .edu , .com can be trusted to be referred for 
  2. The author --- check the specialist ( Dr , Prof etc ) , the affiliated ( university or organization )
  3. Date --- to check whether it is outdated or not
  4. References
  5. Prejudices  
That's all we learnt for our last class before we have our Eid Adha and midsemester break :)

Happy Eid Adha and Midsemester Holidays everyone ! 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Plagiarism is a habit?

assalamualaikum and good evening.
hey yeayy this is my first entry ever for a blog :D
so for my first entry I want to talk about Plagiarism as my lecturer asked us about our reflective thoughts on that topic during our ELC class :)
have you heard about plagiarism? since when you have heard about it?
for me, I started to hear the word PLAGIARISM when I entered UiTM.
I could see the advertisement of plagiarism around the Faculty of Education.
Since I was in primary school I didn't know the activity of 'copy and paste' other's idea is a forbidden activity. Naive enough huh?
But here in degree level plagiarism could give a lot of bad effects on your marks if you were caught to do so. and guess what there is a plagiarism detector now. amazing enough since before this the teachers didn't care about copying other's idea as yours without any cited (as long as you put the references) * I wonder if they really didn't care *
so do you think plagiarism is a habit for you? for me it is ! and I just knew that using Google Translate can also be considered as plagiarism *sigh and I know you also can't believe this hewhew*
From what Dr.Krish had explained in the class, I can concluded that I have been involved in plagiarism since a long time ago -____-

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